Use GIS spatial analysis linked to inventory data to evaluate the potential feedstock volumes available from selected forest types on federal lands in the western region under a range of sustainable management scenarios and relative to transportation distance, natural disturbance impacts and economic variables.
Organizations completing task
- University of Washington
- USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station
- Development of an integrate spatial database with inventory to support comparative forest resource LCA analysis
- Spatial database as underpinning of comparative LCA for forest resources that examines the tradeoffs between planned biochar production and wildfire impacts
- Oneil, E.E. J.M. Comnick, L.W. Rogers, and M.E. Puettmann, 2017, Waste to Wisdom: Integrating Feedstock Supply, Fire Risk and Life Cycle Assessment into a Wood to Energy Framework. Final Report. Consortium for Research on Renewable Industrial Materials. [NOTE: Also claimed under 4.7 as 4.7.6]
- Oneil, E.E. and M.E. Puettmann, 2017, Life cycle assessment of forest residue recovery for small scale bioenergy systems.