Develop a suite of fully integrated economic models that will be used to evaluate the equipment. The models will calculate break-even costs including not only capital and operating costs, but also taxes, loans, and inflation. Where market prices do not exist, the break-even costs will be used as transfer prices for raw materials produced by the equipment in Feedstock Development going to Conversion Technologies.
Organizations completing task
- USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory
- Develop, and test a costing model for the processing and pre-hauling equipment being developed in Feedstock Development and for the biomass densification systems being developed in Conversion Technologies
- Research article published in a peer reviewed journal
- A suite of economic models that will be available on the project website for use by anyone with an interest in the technologies
- Presentation at two professional workshops and conferences
- Sahoo, K. and E.M. Bilek. 2018. Economic analysis of forest residues logistics options to produce quality feedstocks. Waste to Wisdom (BRDI) Subtask 4.1 Final Report. March. 33 p.
- Sahoo, K. and E.M. Bilek. 2018. Economic analysis of solid biofuels and biochar production from forest residues using portable production systems. Waste to Wisdom (BRDI) Subtask 4.1 Final Report. March. 36 p.