WoodLife Environmental Consultants
8200 NW Chaparral Drive
Corvallis, OR 97330
(541) 231-2627
Maureen has been conducting LCAs for over 20 years, cooperating with CORRIM, universities, associations, and research stations in the US and internationally. She has completed over 40 LCA studies on forestry operations on a variety of wood products, including manufacturing processes, building materials, and solid and liquid wood-based biofuels. Maureen’s scope of this study is to develop a gate to gate life cycle assessment for biochar processing including a life cycle impact assessment to evaluate the environmental footprints from harvest to utilization. This study will then be linked to upstream processes for residue collection and process and downstream processes for determining the ecological benefits of using biochar as a soil amendment. Carbon footprint as well as other environmental indicators will be assessed for biochar production over the range of feedstocks. In addition, LCA models will compare other biochar production systems for comparisons on biochar production efficiencies when resources and energy inputs vary.