President & CEO
Forest Business Network LLC
PO Box 2220, Missoula MT 59806
(406) 240-0300
Craig is the president and co-owner of Forest Business Network (FBN), a consultancy that also provides creative and communication services to the forest products industry. As FBN’s lead consultant, he analyzes client business plans and provides advice on positioning, distribution, operations, and the pursuit of funding sources such as loans and grants. As head of the company’s event-staging operation, he organizes and oversees conferences and other events for forest-related organizations. Craig also serves as publisher of, FBN’s popular aggregation website for timber industry news. In addition, he edits Forest Business Weekly Newsletter, the company’s email newsletter for timber industry news. Craig was previously the in-house consultant to forest-related businesses for the Montana Community Development Corporation (MCDC), in which capacity he advised hundreds of local and regional clients, and facilitated many millions of dollars of loans and grants. Prior to his tenure at MCDC, Craig co-owned and managed several industrial product development companies. Craig began his career as manager of a family-owned sawmill construction company. He is an active member of more than 20 forest industry associations, the recipient of numerous forest industry awards, and the lead author or co-author of a number of white papers on forest topics such as biomass energy generation, efficient biomass transportation, and long-term forest management strategy.